Happy Spring! We’re headed on the road for a trip up to the Pacific Northwest with the goal of finding a good home with big trees in the backyard for building my off the grid treehouse.

I’ve been down in SoCal for all of 2022 and it’s had its highlights naturally. Got to explore Idyllwild forests some and met a really cool bass player and played out some with him, and also had fun dancing at shows for his main project The Odd Advantage (TOA), especially memorable is the Saint Paddy’s show in a parking lot in Menifee. More good times playing music definetely include the historic Hemet Theater.

Inspiration is vital for the Creative Mind and constant progress and development hence, the trip up North has me fired up!
Exploring the local music scene. Riverside Idyllwild. And more Cattooning here on our official feed @Crookshanks in the Multiverse on IG.

Keeping the spirit of the Pacific Northwest alive as I’ve been wondering around down south is The Creative Solutions Collective co-founded by my artsy creative fire of friend Kayla Cabe @KaylaCabePaints and yours truly. Thanks for being a great creative force with me Kayla and for our creative streak of nearly weekly creative synergy since around late 2018.
Creative people need other creative people, or at least it sure seems like it to me, keep creating and building community citizens of Planet Home.